Fields of Joy

Can a grieving father find solace in the afterlife?

“Ning, my dear son, I wasn’t ready to say goodbye, but who expects to be struck down in their prime? I should have known that day on the basketball court would be the start of our trials, how the frantic dash between hospitals, from one cancer ward to the next treatment, would consume our lives.”

“Dad, don’t be sad. Perhaps it’s the different times we grew up in, but isn’t it inevitable? The earthy fields of your youth have turned into the concrete jungles of today. This journey has changed history, politics – even families. Why should dealing with loss be any different?”

“Son, I agree with you, but no matter how things change, there is a central rule to the universe: the elders leave first; the youngsters leave later. I could have never imagined that the first death I experienced would be yours…”

Author  Zhou Daxin
Original Chinese Name  å®‰é­‚
Translator  Justin Herbert, Zhou Dan
Original Chinese Name  å®‰é­‚
ISBN: PN_76 Category: Tag:

From: £4.99

Additional information

Dimensions  N/A
Page Count  320 (PB)
Author  Zhou Daxin
Translator  Justin Herbert, Zhou Dan
Format  Ebook, Paperback
Status  Active
Year Published  20/11/2020
Original Chinese Name  å®‰é­‚