Passionate about spreading Chinese literature to English readers, Nicky Harman has translated the works of many renowned Chinese authors into English. They include Anni Baobei’s The Road of Others, Chan Koon-Chung’s The Unbearable Dreamworld of Champa the Driver, Chen Xiwo’s Book of Sins, Han Dong’s A Phone Call from Dalian: Collected Poems, Jia Pingwa’s Happy Dreams, Dorothy Tse’s Snow and Shadow, Xinran’s Letter from an Unknown Chinese Mother, Xu Xiaobin’s Crystal Wedding, Xu Zhiyuan’s Paper Tigerand Yan Ge’s The Chili Bean Paste Clan.
Harman has won several awards, including the Mao Tai Cup People’s Literature Chinese-English translation prize 2015 and the 2013 China International Translation Contest, Chinese-to-English section. When not translating, she promotes contemporary Chinese fiction to the general English-language reader through the website She also blogs, gives talks, mentors new translators, teaches summer school and judges translation competitions. She lives in the United Kingdom and tweets as the China Fiction Bookclub @cfbcuk.