
Fate Rewritten

If you can’t afford luck, all you can get is compensation.

Wang Changchi shouldn’t be here.

His top marks should guarantee him a place at university, and with it the all-important city registration that opens all doors. For generations, his family have dreamed of escaping their poverty-stricken village. He should finally be able to break free. Instead, the lift doors close in his face.

As the sons of the local elite begin their ascent without him, the only direction he can go is through the back door, along with the hordes of illegal construction workers risking their lives just to scrape together a living.

Even if his chance has gone, he can still stake it all on the next generation. The Wangs could finally have a winner – all it would take is a few words on the right documents. But the cost of rewriting fate could require giving up everything…

What price would you pay for tomorrow?

Author  Dong Xi
Original Chinese Name  篡改的命
Translator  John Balcom
Original Chinese Name  篡改的命
ISBN: PN_109 Category: Tags: ,

From: £4.99

Additional information

Dimensions  N/A
Page Count  360 (HB), 360 (PB)
Author  Dong Xi
Translator  John Balcom
Format  Ebook, Hardback, Paperback
Status  Active
Year Published  25/10/2024
Original Chinese Name  篡改的命