Huang Zheng

Huang Zheng, from China’s Zhuang ethnic minority, is a member of the Chinese Writers Association and the fourth, fifth and sixth director and editor of the Guangxi Writers Association. 

Author of many books; his is best known for his children’s works such; the short stories: The Honey Bee, Little Sister, Heart, In the Paddy fields, Future Musician, Tian Xing’s Great Escape, Lei Guo and Yong Ga, Complementary Ideals, the novella The River and the Ridge, a the fantasy novel Zhong Kui the Ghost Hunter. 

Among them, The River and the Ridge won the 2nd place at the 2019 2nd China National Ethnic Literature prize hosted by the China Ethnic Literature Society. The children’s radio drama The Mother looking for the Sun won the Guangxi government bronze drum award, and Heart won the first Guangxi The Children’s Literature Award.

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